Tuesday, 26 January 2010

Bring "magic" into your life with Goals

Every year between Christmas and the New Year I review my goals from that year and set my goals for the next year, and I always set them in the following way:-

S = Specific and simple. It is critical to get this right as our unconscious mind works on our goals and likes things to be simple

M = Measurable and meaningful

A = As if now - you need to set it in the present tense e.g. I weigh ......., I live in ........., I
earn .......... Your unconscious mind is always in now
= Set goals in all areas of your life for balance e.g. health and fitness, relationships,
career/business, personal development, money and wealth, fun, spirituality

R = Realistic for you; do you believe you can make this happen? Do you believe this will
= Responsible and ecological

T = Timed; you need to say the day, month and year
= Towards what you want and stated positively

Finally, you have to take action as success does take work and action. You act as if you have already achieved that goal and it is a foregone conclusion. This also takes your goal from a mental concept to a physical reality - seeing your goals in your mind's eye and getting that 'wow' factor.

Remember your conscious mind is your goal setter and your unconscious mind is your goal getter.

Bring magic into your life with your goals.

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