Sunday, 30 January 2011

Celebrating Imbolc

On Tuesday 1st February we are celebrating the festival of Imbolc - one of the four fire festival and dedicated to the Celtic Goddess Brigid. She is a triple Goddess and patron of artists, craftspeople and healers. Famous for helping others and for transformation.

This is a time of purification, to wash away the winter leaves so that new green shoots can appear. In our garden the snowdrops are putting in an appearance and bulbs are beginning to break through. We welcome the return of spring. Personally it is time to commit or recommit to our spiritual growth, a time to show love as we do on Valentines Day, and to focus on peace and hope.

On the 1st you can light white or gold candles to signify the suns' power and place yellow flowers around the house for the return of spring.

Find time to meditate and send peace, love, hope and joy out into the world.

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