Monday, 4 October 2010

Creating a Sacred Place

Creating a sacred place in your home or garden is a way of having a focus on what is important to you at that time. In your home you would create it at the centre or heart of your home. This used to be the fireplace where people gathered and maybe for you it is now somewhere else.

You can decorate your place very simply with a candle and a special crystal. Shamans often add something for each of the elements - earth, fire, water and air - and whatever is appropriate for the time of year with flowers, herbs, leaves and twigs. It is Harvest Festival time and so pagans remember this season and give thanks for the harvest we have which will keep us through the long winter months.

Objects in your Sacred place often take on a deeper meaning and relate to the story of your spiritual life. You can also have a "shamans" bag with you to carry significant things.

Your Sacred Place is somewhere to be still and meditate and especially important with the approach of Samhain at the end of October.

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