Wednesday, 29 October 2014

Samhain Friday 31st October 2014

Samhain is the most important festival in the Pagan Calender as it is a time when the veils between this world and the spiritual realms are at their thinnest and it is also the Celtic New Year.

A fire festival and it is a  time to honour the dead especially those who have passed over in the last year. We share fond memories of those we wish to remember and light a candle for each one.

I always find this a powerful festival, a time when our psychic powers are heightened and we often "see" and feel things and notice changes around us. I light candles at the windows to welcome the spirits and for me it is about honouring our ancestors and acknowledging their part in shaping our world.

This year I will be joined by a few women who have been part of my circle for over a year now as well as some new ones. We will share memories , light candles and afterwards feast with a plate of food set aside for those we are remembering.

The food is significant because in times gone by this would have been the last feast before the long winter months ahead.

This is the time of the Crone face of the Goddess and over the winter months we go inside and reflect on the issues we need to deal with to prepare us for the Spring to come when we start to see new growth.

Even if you are not part of a circle you can still honour the dead by lighting a white candle, putting out some flowers (ideally chrysanthemums) and just reflecting on what they meant to you.

Wishing you a happy Samhain

Monday, 6 January 2014

Creating a Magical 2014

So we are at the start of a New Year and from what I see and hear many new years resolutions are already waning. So why do we put ourselves through all this? I think we do want to look forward and by focussing on something we think we want, this initially feels good.

So how should we go about setting goals? Well the first step is to really want it. You have to feel passionately about your goal. Feel the emotion associated with the goal; where do you feel it in your body -  the excitement and passion?

Write your goals in the present tense eg I am... or I have... with a precise date. So this assumes you are already there and notice how good it feels. A real convincer for your unconscious mind, your goal getter.

Keep them simple, your unconscious mind likes simple. so much easier to handle. Must be achievable and realistic and make sure you believe 100% that you can make it happen. Then take Action, it is no use sitting and waiting for everything to find you,  take the opportunities as they arrive. The Universe is abundant we just have to know how to ask and what to do!

There is a Full Moon on the 16th January and a perfect time to reinforce your goals. Light a fresh white candle that evening and meditate focussing on your goals. Really feel the emotion around them.

Wishing you a magical 2014 filled with abundance, peace, love and fun.