Sunday, 22 August 2010

The Shamanic Journey to the Upper World

Following on from my previous Blog to the Lower World, I am now going to explore the Upper World Shamanic Journey. Here the landscape looks very different, more ethereal with clouds and crystals and can be like walking on marshmallow!

Again after relaxing and putting on your drumming music find that favourite tree and notice how the branches stretch way up to the sky. Climb the branches to the Upper World with your intention to explore this world and perhaps meet your spiritual teacher and mentor. Notice what you see, hear and feel. Is there anyone there? It is likely to be in human form and if this is your spiritual teacher then they are likely to have a gift for you.

On my first journey to the Upper World I met my Spiritual Teacher and had an awareness of the gift she gave me. I journey now when I have a question and find it is here that I get inspiration, knowledge and wisdom.

I usually record my experiences so I can track my Journeys and often find further insights happen when I do. It is important that after any journeying you "ground" yourself and the easiest way is to eat or drink something.

On my next Blog I'll explore the Middle World.

Monday, 16 August 2010

The Shamanic Journey

I thought I would share my thoughts and experiences about journeying and over my next few blogs and look at the 3 worlds, the Upper, Middle and Lower starting with the Lower World or Under World as it is known in Celtic Shamanism.

The benefits of meditation are now quite well known and journeying is a form of visual meditation a bit like lucid dreaming where you are part of the dream rather than just watching yourself in it and without a script. You need to be relaxed and physically comfortable and start by breathing out all your tiredness and tension and breathe in energy, power and love. You also need an eye mask to cut out any daylight and some drumming music designed for journeying to help you achieve the altered state of consciousness.

I remember my first journey quite clearly where I found a favourite tree and like Alice in Wonderland shrank and went through the roots to the Lower World. The landscape is what I would call "a world of nature" and it is here I met my Power Animal and Spirit Guides. You can also connect with your ancestors, as it is the world of our memories and traditions where we can ask for healing and regain our personal power. I personally have gained insights into many issues I have faced and I always journey with an Intention even when I journey for others. After journeying I usually feel refreshed and inspired.

My workshop "Bringing Shamanic Practices into Everyday Life"on 23rd and 24th September will enable you to journey to all 3 worlds and more information is under workshops.